Capricorn Daily Forecast
Surprise someone with a sweet show of affection and compliments today! Even if you barely know them, you can really brighten their day by letting them know you like their haircut or that they’ve got a great laugh. As for the people you know and love, well, the sky’s the limit! Give out hugs left and right to the people who support you when you’re feeling low. Peck your sweetie on the cheek as soon as you see them! You love means little unless you spread it out into the world!
Someone close is acting way out of character. Could it be that they’re suddenly crushed out on you? It may be true! Wait a few days, and if they keep acting this way, it may be time to confirm your suspicion. Let them know that you’re interested, too.
It’s a great time to sit down with your partner and find out whether they’re ready to take things further. You’re pretty sure that you are, but you need to know that it’s mutual before making that commitment.
You were a bit suspicious of the low price tag, and rightly so. The real damage is starting to make itself apparent. It’s still money well spent, even if you went way over budget. Be thankful you had it to spend.