Gemini Daily Forecast
You know the best way to stay out of a fight? Just keep your head down! Avoid the people who always instigate the drama. After all, they tend you drag you into it. True, you might worry that you’re missing out on the excitement, but what’s the value of that excitement? Will it help you get your work done faster or better? No. It will only distract you from what you really should be doing. Stick to what you need to do and let other people waste their time bickering.
Your heart’s very open now, and a radical change could take seed given the right circumstances. Gather all sorts of romantic ideas, plant ’em and see which ones flourish.
Yes, it’s the “C” word again, you know, “compromise.” It’s necessary in every successful relationship. Just remember that in a real compromise, both parties get something they want. It’s not a winner-take-all situation.
Money is like poetry to your ears, and all you’re doing is counting it in the abstract. Is it relief or something base that’s making you swoon over it? Get to the bottom of that mystery another day.