Gemini Daily Forecast
In the mood to have a little bit of fun? Of course you are! And guess what? The only thing standing in the way of you having fun is — you! There is no reason you can’t start getting out there and mixing it up — and today is as good a time for socializing as any. Your friends are itching to get out there and tear it up too, so find out what is on their mind. Send out an email to your group and start cooking something up. You can be the match that starts a hot night of fun.
It doesn’t take all that much for you to fall hard right now, but who can say how long it will last? Go ahead and get swept away as long as you realize that you might feel something very different very soon.
Rekindling that romantic spark could take a little work. However, with some inspiration, the fire between you two could reignite without as much effort as you thought it would require. What a relief!
Stress isn’t the best source of fuel, if only because it flares and goes out. You’ve been topping your tank with it for the last few months, and walking on the wild side a bit. Get ready to park or crash.