Gemini Daily Forecast
You have the right to feel the way you feel, but don’t get too chatty about it today. Not everyone else needs to know your every last opinion. Today, don’t confuse honesty with over-sharing. It’s more appropriate for you to keep your thoughts a bit fuzzy. Hold all your cards close to your chest and don’t let everyone know exactly what’s on your mind just yet. If you let everyone know everything at every opportunity, what will you be saving for later?
Don’t tread water. You’ll just exhaust yourself. Jump right in and let the current take you somewhere new. Just relax and take it all in.
Your partner’s sense of humor makes all the difference today. Ask to be cheered up by their usual brand of playfulness and you’ll be laughing together in no time.
You know how to charm to get what you want, but that’s not the objective today. Making real connections are more valuable to your soul than gold is to your wallet, so don’t lay it on thick.