Gemini Daily Forecast

You’ve made quite an impression on all the right people with your creative powers, but this is not the time to stop and rest, no matter how large a splash you think you’ve made. Instead, engage in a little risky business and offer a proposal that makes the most of your creative abilities. It should benefit your people quite a bit while moving you into a position where you can make a difference and satisfy your artistic urges.
You need an emotional outlet now, and while eating cookies or buying new shoes are viable options, be sure to combine them with some actual support. Commiserating (and laughing) with a friend about love is just the ticket.
You ought to know yourself well enough to respect your occasional need for privacy, and your partner ought to be aware of it too. If you require some alone time, it’s better to take it than be testy around them.
You have the nagging feeling that a real problem is going unaddressed but you can’t identify what or where it is. You’re smart to focus all of your energy on identifying it. Don’t do anything new until you ferret it out and deal with it.