Gemini Daily Forecast

You might find it hard to accurately communicate your feelings right now. This is probably a sign that you don’t quite know how you feel! If you’re in the mood to hide from the world, then hide from the world. You’re in a good frame of mind to make the most of your time to figure things out. You need to tell someone something, and you need this time to figure out how to say it. Also, a new hobby is in the earliest stages of development. Keep plugging away and don’t give up on it.
Want your wishes to come to true? Share them with someone! Tell a mutual friend about your crush, and ask them to drop a hint! It’s up to you to say how subtle you want them to be!
Make sure that the two of you are balancing alone time with social activities. Keep your relationship in perspective — you’re life shouldn’t shrivel up as your partnership grows.
Stay calm. You may not be able to afford every indulgence, but you still have all the comforts of home. As long as you have food and a roof over your heads, consider yourself in the lap of luxury.