Gemini Daily Forecast

Jumping to conclusions can put you in an awkward spot as you’re trying to navigate tricky communications. The times when getting angry and/or overreacting will help your case are few and far between. Find the truth and move beyond current unpleasant situations. Put old issues to rest so you can look to the future without reservations
This is another day when you’ll be more in the mood to see friends than to try very ambitiously to meet people. Besides, it’s almost always when you’re not looking that someone truly great comes along.
Your social life takes off, especially with all the new people you and your partner are meeting. In fact, you’re so busy you don’t know how you can fit everything in your calendar. Be gracious about saying no.
Someone really different may appear. Whether they’ve moved way up or way down the ladder of life remains to be seen, but the final result is shocking. And you thought Reversal of Fortune was only a movie.