Daily Forecast Gemini 07-25


Gemini Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

If you see the world through an idealist’s eyes, it looks like a great big bunch of happy people who want only the best for each other. But if you look at it through grumpy glasses, it’s quite a different picture. Which viewpoint are you going to take today? How the knot of your day unravels is completely up to you, so get in touch with your more positive mood and follow it. If you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, break the funk by treating yourself to an extra-special coffee drink.

Singles Lovescope

Yes, you’re an emotional person, but what’s just a mood to you could be taken as your entire personality by someone else. Try to keep the momentary feelings in check and let your whole self shine.

Couple Lovescope

That imagination of yours may be a bit overactive at the moment. Instead of dreaming up all sorts of scenarios, get a reality check from your significant other and come back down to earth.


Are things really as bad as all that? The image your mind’s eye is projecting is bleak, but give yourself a reality check. As long as you have the basics you’ve got all you really need. The rest, after all, are merely luxuries.



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