Gemini Daily Forecast

If you want to make an omelet, you’ve got to break some eggs, and a new breakthrough in an important relationship requires a bit of destruction now as well. Your energy is highly charged, for good or bad, and some big drama could likely result. See it as an adventure instead of simply an argument. You also need to forgive a bit of difficulty that sneaks in during the process.
If life feels like a circus now, that’s because you’re a natural ringleader. Crack the whip, let the critters roar, beware of the clowns, and enjoy the show. Who steps up to be your lovely assistant?
The most romantic date for the two of you might not involve going out right now. Cozy up together by cooking dinner or ordering in, watching a movie or reading aloud. It may be the best time of all.
It’s true, beauty is only skin deep. If you think things are bad now, they could get really ugly soon. Don’t waste time prettying things up. Put your efforts into addressing the underlying issues.