Gemini Daily Forecast
Are you feeling a little crazed lately, like you’re running your very own festival of angst and worry? If that’s the case, and you’d really like a change of scenery, you’re in luck. You’ve got a major burst of good energy coming your way over the next few days. Make sure that you at least get out of the house today no matter what. You can’t win if you don’t play!
Don’t lay all your cards on the table at once. Coming on too strong is a total turnoff. Leave things to the imagination. Avoid reviewing all your past relationships. Keep the conversation fun and light. Not everything is up for public consumption.
Your partner finds it hard to resist you when you turn on the charm! Whether you’re looking for some help around the house or seeking something a little more exciting, you know just what to do to get what you want. They’re happy to oblige.
You’re a bit slower than usual today, and that means you may miss some good deals. That’s not the end of the world, though. Take the time you need to calculate each decision, without worrying about losing out.