Gemini Daily Forecast

You’re going to get along really well with people today. Like-minded folks will be everywhere you look! This is a good day to make plans to get to know one or two of these people better. Making plans will be easy, especially when a big chunk of your calendar suddenly gets cleared up. You’ve got a lot of playtime coming up in the next few days, so make the most of it. Don’t fritter it away by sleeping and watching television.
If you want something new or unprecedented to happen in your love life, you need to take a few proactive steps to instigate change. You can make wonderful progress by trying out something new.
What’s that old chestnut about the longest journey starting with the smallest step? Roll your eyes if you must, but it’s true, especially about this job you and your partnerare about to take on.
You are swamped with details, but not so many that you feel overwhelmed. In fact, it’s just enough to keep you motivated. You feel like you’re at the top of your game and ready for any challenges you’re forced to take on, no matter how minute they may be. Enjoy.