Leo Daily Forecast
You’ve been trying to ignore it because you’ve been so busy dealing with other aspects of life, but today your need to feel socially useful will finally overpower your other urges. Don’t worry. Getting involved doesn’t have to turn your entire life on its ear. All you need to do is devote one or two hours a week toward helping out a cause you believe in. And you don’t even have to formally join anything. How about just picking up the trash you see in your neighborhood?
Plan a small reunion. Spending an afternoon around old friends will remind you how much you like them and and how much you’ve grown. And you never know who’ll show up. Maybe you’ll rekindle an old flame.
Your mind is sharp even on your off days, and today it is brilliant. You may want to take some time alone in order to really flesh out some of your ideas, but make sure to share them with your partner!
You’re impressing everyone you meet — that is, until you try to impress them. Don’t let yourself wonder what they think of you. Go over your list of successes again and again if that’s what it takes to remind yourself how much you are capable of.