Leo Daily Forecast
Take a long, hard look around before you take any action. If you’ve been feeling like it’s time to resolve a problem in your personal life, you could well be right: You’re at your most critical, analytical, and insightful right now, but don’t rush into it. It’s important that you really understand the situation before you start changing it. This is as true for your finances as it is for your love life.
Your life is a little out of balance now. It’s time to gather up your friends and meet at your favorite spot. Spending time around people who care about you helps you find your center again.
If somebody (say, your partner) appears to deliberately misinterpret you today, don’t get heated up about it. Repeat what you said, nicely!
Lack of funds may be preventing progress with your own projects but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun helping others with theirs. Friends and family would love to be on the receiving end while you wait to move on with your own endeavors.