Leo Daily Forecast
One or two minor setbacks could pop up today, but they shouldn’t slow you down for too long. In fact, by requiring you to slow your pace and take a break, they’ll probably be doing you a favor! Someone has been trying to get your attention for quite a while, but it seems like you’ve been a bit too busy to notice them there on the sidelines, waving their arms in the air. Be open to new conversations and you’ll brighten someone’s day!
Organize a little get-together for the people you enjoy most. Chatting about each other’s dating experiences, frustrations, and favorite date ideas should do you all a world of good!
You rascal! You know you have to introduce a little oomph into a relationship every now and then to keep it rolling. What type of oomph? Well, that depends on how you and your partner see it.
Work issues won’t leave you alone. Going over and over them in your head will only exhaust you. Besides, the finer details are too small to see clearly, even with your imaginary magnifying glass. Relax instead.