Leo Daily Forecast

If you’re frustrated with your career or your daily work tasks in general, today will be a welcome breath of fresh air and a reprieve from whatever has been stressing you out. Paradoxically, this break could be brought to you by someone who usually adds to your stress level, so keep your mind open and be friendly to people who come bearing assignments. But don’t be afraid to notify people in power when you have reached your limits.
Egos abound — after all, you can barely handle your own. Don’t get involved in everyone else’s business today. You’re ill equipped to offer any sort of solution that doesn’t apply to your life. Focus on your to-dos and the day will go off without a hitch.
You don’t always have to have an answer. If your sweetheart is used to you coming up with a solution, suggest a different approach: Sit down and explore all the possibilities (the more outrageous, the better) together.
Your Gold-O-Meter is sadly off. Way off. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t divine the glittery stuff. Don’t make any big investments until your financial instincts are back on the money.