Leo Daily Forecast

You’re famous for your love of discovering new (and old) secrets, it’s you in most if not all circumstances. At the moment, your intensifying investigation is even more appealing to you, though the nature and seriousness of the issue don’t matter at all. To you, the point is that your curiosity is running on high, and your insightful side emerges in a big way. Just be sure that no one who might be hurt hears about the info you discover.
Roll with the new communication tech. It’s amazing what it can do. Once you’ve tried a few new ways to reach people, your perceptions of romantic prospects could change completely.
Your partner might be harder to deal with today, but your flexibility will be rewarded. You need to try something a little different if you want to keep moving forward.
Don’t think of your financial train as running out of track. There won’t be any sudden changes for the better, but consider this one of life’s interruptions. Your profits can grow down the line.