Leo Daily Forecast

The last thing you need to be is a bit player in someone else’s life, so if drama erupts, just step back and let them handle the mess on their own. You didn’t create the problem, so you shouldn’t have to help tidy it up. And if they ask directly for your help, you should easily be able to find a diplomatic way to extricate yourself from the situation. Maybe your workload is too heavy, or you have a different situation to deal with. Stay out of things today.
While it never hurts to verbalize things, don’t go broadcasting your latest crush to too many folks. If you can’t keep your secrets, why should they? If you want confidential, keep quiet.
Has your exercise regimen fallen by the wayside? It’s time to get back into it, especially if you’ve been feeling moody lately. Getting your heart rate up will make you feel better as well as improve your stamina!
There’s not much excitement in your day. You’re getting a small dose of retirement and it’s turning out to be not what you always had in mind. That should be all the inspiration you need to get right back on the horse and make a living.