Leo Daily Forecast

Fasten your seatbelt and put your tray-table in the upright position. Some serious turbulence is en route, and bracing yourself before it happens is the only way to get through it. Even if you don’t emerge from the experience totally unscathed, you’ll definitely be a lot better off than some of your unprepared friends. You can try warning them, by the way, but don’t expect them to take you seriously.
Soap operas are emotional roller coasters, but what’s the point of all this drama in your life? Watch out for wild passions, moody moments, and oversensitivity. And plan time to really chill out!
If you put a question out there, your partner will give you the answer you are hoping for. Go ahead and ask today. You’ll be glad to have this matter settled once and for all.
Whoa! You’re in a hurry to make money, but you’ll have to accept reality’s pace. The only thing driving your urgency is stress, so do whatever it takes to reign it in.