Leo Daily Forecast
Your imagination, your dreams, and even your fantasies are extremely crucial today. Apply your creative mind to some suspicions you’ve been having lately. Cook up a theory or two about what’s been going on, and chances are excellent that you will be right on the money. A conversation with a friend could prove that later. Don’t be discouraged by an admission of guilt. Instead, take this as a sign that your intuition is more on target than ever.
Try not to toot your own horn too much today — you’re the most charming person around anyway. Drop a few hints about your awesomeness, and that should be enough to make them want to learn more.
You get points for recognizing and correctly identifying your emotions. Now you have to decide what to do about them. In fact, you may not have to do anything. Just let them be what they are for a while.
Don’t dwell on money and debts today. Problems with a partnership need your immediate attention. All of your financial worries can be addressed tomorrow.