Leo Daily Forecast

Focus on completing a project. You’ve been able to enjoy freedom of thought lately, and good for you for letting your mind wander into new and inspiring territory. Today, you need to build on the experiences you’ve had and pinpoint the one thing that deserves your energy right now. Your mind is as sharp as a razor, and whether the task you choose is as simple as shopping for a birthday present or as complex as revising your finances, you’ll complete it quickly.
Your self-respect should never be up for debate. When you go on a date, don’t let the other person demean or mock you in order to make themselves feel more important. Have pride in yourself and others will too.
Sometimes the logical answer isn’t the best one, especially in matters of the heart. Listen to what your instincts are telling you to do. You can trust them even if they don’t make perfect sense.
You’re somewhat suspicious of a financial proposition, but you should be more than somewhat. But don’t waste time reacting emotionally when the facts and figures can speak for themselves.