Leo Daily Forecast

Ready to show the world what you’re made of? Bet you are, and they’re ready to see it all. Expect one of your new admirers to possibly even bridge the gap between friend and lover, or to at least give it a shot. If you’re interested, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. If you’re not, try to let them down easy. Spare their feelings and don’t mention that you’ve got so many admirers to choose from that you can afford to be picky (even though it’s true).
Hearts are thumping like crazy, and it’s all thanks to you right now. You always make a strong impression, but with energy like this you’re really causing some palpitations!
Checking in with your partner is a nice impulse, but you don’t want to go overboard. Find ways to make the gesture seem like the loving one it is. Checking in as opposed to checking up.
Things really start to sizzle today. There is no such thing as a back burner on your agenda. Turn the heat up because you have a lot to do and not much time left to do it.