Leo Daily Forecast

Who knew that someone’s absence could make you feel so good? Don’t be ashamed to breathe a sigh of relief when someone you don’t like very much isn’t on the scene today (and may never bother you again). It’s not like you don’t wish them well; it’s just that they add way too much stress to your life and you don’t need it. You don’t have to share your feelings with other people. It’s not nice to talk about people who aren’t around to defend themselves. Just be happy and grateful.
A conversation with an old friend or family member brings revelations about something from the past that might still be affecting you today. Watch for some new emotional honesty that might just help you transform your world.
Rein in those relationship expectations, at least for the moment. If you can relax and enjoy your certain someone – and yourself – in a low-key way, you’ll get further than by pushing a certain agenda.
You’re suddenly energized by the very things that usually sap you of your will to live. A family gathering is surprisingly pleasant and paying the bills is satisfying. What kind of crazy, Alice In Wonderland world has your life become? Allow yourself to ask only once.