Leo Daily Forecast

Remember that haste makes waste now, especially if you’re tempted to rush into something just to feel like you’re making progress. You could actually cause delays and setbacks by jumping into a new project without thinking it through, especially at work or when taking care of home improvements. These matters need your full, patient attention. A happy ending might take longer than you’d like.
Your progressive intellect combines with some major personal energy to create amazing new possibilities today. Don’t delay when it comes to your love life!
Instant satisfaction isn’t always the case when matters of the heart are concerned. It’s only reasonable that real love takes time. Be patient with each other and you might be in for some delightful surprises.
Usually your main concern is money, but suddenly it’s the actual people involved. It’s more than just the time of year. Before you accept any invitations, be sure you know who you’re really dealing with.