Leo Daily Forecast
Your ideas are definitely the best ones being offered up today, so how come no one is listening to you? This is no time to throw a hissy fit out of frustration, because that will do little to help people take you seriously. Instead, resign yourself to the fact that you can lead a horse to water but can’t make it drink. In groupthink situations, sometimes the answer isn’t the right answer. It’s merely the one that everyone agrees on.
Someone close (maybe at work) has some important advice related to your love life. Is it helpful? Is it any of their business? You need to make the call before you decide what to do with it.
Sure, you know what you want, and clear goals are a good thing, but when it comes to a relationship, there’s the other person to take into account as well. How will you two balance different aims and expectations?
Your head is in two places at once. You’re thinking about your personal life at work or vice versa. You can pull it off as long as you don’t let the duality turn you into a monster.