Leo Daily Forecast
Busy schedule or not, you’re going to have to make time to deal with some new beginnings today. Exciting things are getting started, and one or two of them require your involvement in order to get traction. A person who’s relatively new on the scene looks to follow in your footsteps. How’s that for flattery? Take them under your wing and give them the all the attention it takes to show them who you really are. Don’t get distracted.
Your connection with a certain person is just plain uncanny. Who knew that you could be drawn to someone like this? It just goes to show you how surprising life can be. One thing always leads to another.
You want to skip over the details and get to the heart of the issue, no matter what it is. Your partner might be a little wary of such intensity, but you know you’re both ready for it.
You can throw all of your energy at work and still not earn a penny. But even though you’re not connecting with the big bucks, you’re still making connections that will earn you cash in the future.