Leo Daily Forecast
Big changes have been percolating up through various aspects of your life lately. Right now, the question is whether you’re going to drink it all up straight, or try to add a little karmic cream and sugar to make it all go down easily. Your energy is calling out for the second option — so draw on your friends, your family and anyone else in your immediate circle — and get their help. It makes everything ever so much easier.
Your dating profile is all business and ready to go, or so you think. Try adding a picture that shows you at your nutty best. Get more specific: your favorite song, weirdest habit, or last big trip.
You love to be tempted, and you’re usually strong enough to flirt with the temptation and then decline. Watch out right now, though. Keeping any secrets, even those that seem small, could be hazardous.
There is no right or wrong way to survive the storm, but whatever you do, swallow your pride. Everyone else has. That could mean giving up on projects you thought you would finish or finishing them for free.