Leo Daily Forecast
Boredom is not on your schedule right now, thank heavens. Curiosity and competitiveness are taking up too much room to allow anything else! Take advantage of this buzzing energy to get lots of things moving. It isn’t the time for you to sit down and see things through from start to finish. Instead, you need to just begin projects you’ve been trying to get off the ground for some time now.
The long hours that you’ve been putting in at work are paying off. You’ll be recognized as the superstar you are! Celebrate your success by going with friends to a place where you can score a date!
Your connection to your partner could be absolutely magical today when they seem to anticipate your every desire and meet it before you say a word. Allow yourself to get caught up in the good feelings.
You’re the king or queen of the castle today but that’s not a good position to be in. Watch out, because someone wants the throne. That’s right, things at home are out of whack again, and you’ll wish anyone but you was in charge of the gold.