Leo Daily Forecast
There’s a good feeling attached to the energy today, allowing you to take full advantage of all the possibilities life throws your way. Let things develop at their own pace instead of trying to rush things. You might feel slightly off balance, but it’s nothing you can’t overcome. If you’re willing to work for what you want, nothing can stop you!
If you’re feeling weird about someone new you just met, that person might be harboring a secret you’d rather not know. Follow your instincts and keep your distance. There’s plenty of fish in the sea, so skip the sharks.
You know what’s really nice about having such a terrific partner? They really perk you up. They give you the energy that keeps you going!
Family and career may be opposites to some but not you. You need quality time with loved ones to get anywhere in life. Your money and your network of friends are profoundly connected.