Leo Daily Forecast
A friend of yours has been walking on the wild side for a bit too long. You might want to give them a reality check before they take things too far. While it’s not your job to tell other people how to live their life, you’d be shirking your responsibilities as a friend if you didn’t voice your concerns, in a nonjudgmental, supportive way, of course. There’s no telling how they’ll react, but that shouldn’t stop you from saying something.
Your morning’s all about adult sophistication, but childlike fun rules the evening. Plan accordingly: Wow your crush in an extra-classy outfit this morning, but invite him or her to join you ice-skating later tonight.
Today, go ahead and put yourself first. It’s not that your partner isn’t important. It’s just that the best way to treat them right is to know what’s going on with you.
When the crosshairs were focused on money, you went after it in a direct manner. And even though it’s out of sight, it’s still not out of mind. You’ll have to come up with a new approach to raising it.