Daily Forecast Leo 12-19


Leo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You need to flee the world every now and then, and the safety and security of your home nest is exactly what you need, especially when you know you’ve earned it. If you’re especially eager to get home today, just ask the powers that be for a few hours off and head out early. Get into your jammies and whip up some of that comfort food that fills the gap so well. All good!

Singles Lovescope

A busy social life; a completely hectic and insane professional life. But you’ll come out ahead in both realms. Just use patience and good sense when responding to inquiries of any kind. Your informed and witty solutions will dazzle anyone in earshot.

Couple Lovescope

Offices have casual Friday. Why not give your relationship the emotional equivalent? Give you and your partner license to be daring, goofy, and free. The lack of constraints will feel extremely refreshing.


You were taught that hard work pays off, but not how long you have to wait. Think of your efforts are compounded interest. That should keep your ambition healthy.



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