Leo Daily Forecast
Complaining is off-limits today! Everyone is entitled to a place in the spotlight every now and then, and it’s now officially your turn. Enjoy your newfound celebrity! If you really must have some privacy, maybe because you’d rather not share your partner’s attention with the masses, you can find a timely excuse to skip out of the spotlight for as long as it takes.
It feels as if you and someone new are speaking different languages, but it’s not a sign of incompatibility. It’s just that there’s more going on than meets the eye. Take a deep breath and keep trying.
Clear the air! Talking now will help you avoid trouble down the road, especially if you’re stewing over something that happened a while ago. Don’t let it fester any longer. Get it out in the open.
It feels like you’ll be going down from here on out but that’s really not so. At a certain point you’ll have nowhere left to go but up. Unfortunately you’re not there yet, so try to enjoy the ride.