Daily Forecast Leo 12-28


Leo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Think about it: exactly how long have you been wishing, hoping, and dreaming about taking off for parts unknown to everyone but you and one lucky companion? If you can’t remember a date, or a month, it’s time to stop dreaming and start making plans. Wait a bit before you start solidifying your itinerary. In the meantime, do your homework.

Singles Lovescope

The outcome really comes down to your attitude right now. No, everything does not suck. If you take the time to cull negative connotations from your vernacular, you’ll be better off in the long run. And don’t let others drag you down with their ugliness.

Couple Lovescope

Some days relationships are easy. Other days they’re more challenging. Whatever the ups and downs, you know you’re allies, and that helps you get through all the permutations of a partnership.


You’re not going to get anywhere by fighting with the very group with which you’re tasked with moving forward. If you’re not of one mind about smaller issues then focus on your larger, common goals.



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