Daily Forecast Leo 12-29


Leo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Ideas are flowing out of you right now, but it’s going to take concentrated effort on your part to shape them into something practical. Your new thoughts are lumps of clay, full of potential but in need of a strong vision to transform that potential into reality. Look for that strong vision in the experiences you have today. There is inspiration in everyday life. Look around, soak up the energy, and create!

Singles Lovescope

Get those financial issues in order. They’re standing in the way of your social life, not to mention your potential for love. Once you get a handle on your money matters, your next love affair will take off.

Couple Lovescope

Every relationship needs to change now and then. It’s part of the growth process. Right now the two of you are going through some changes that might not feel perfectly comfortable, but they’ll result in good times ahead.


You may have a social or private life problem, but don’t let on in front of coworkers. That may sound like added stress, but taking your mind off of it will only help you focus on making money.



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