Libra Daily Forecast
Forget about the things you don’t like about your life — focus on the hopes and dreams you have for the future. The more you think about your problems or worries, the more power you are giving them over your life. So today, put a smile on your face and be confident about where you are headed. And if you can’t feel confident, then just fake it until you do! If you can convince yourself of your value, then other people will be convinced of it, too.
Now is the time to plan a reunion of some kind. A day with old friends or family can remind you of just how far you’ve come. Besides, you never know who might show up. Maybe you finally see that old crush once more!
In a relationship rut? Throw yourself into a new activity that challenges both your brain and body. Ask your partner to come join you. As a team, you can’t be beat.
You’re too stubborn to quit, so you have to put up with a lot of greediness, ostentation and pride from others. It’s the worst humankind has to offer. On the other hand, the situation will only bring out the best side of you.