Libra Daily Forecast
There is a happy medium and you, of all people, can manage it: Be direct but civil. If you’re irritated with a loved one now, they’re certainly going to know about it. In fact, everything you feel will be quite obvious to whoever you’re with, and those feelings will last for a long, long time. That means you have a decision to make. Are you going to be polite and stifle what you’re feeling or just let it out?
Real love isn’t really all that complicated. If you find yourself getting too caught up in drama, maybe there’s something else at the root of the situation. Power struggles don’t often lead to love.
Try not to worry too much about where it’s coming from, just enjoy the crazy energy that’s crackling through you right now! You feel that you and your partner are on the verge of something big, and you’re right.
You feel like the tortoise when you’d much rather be the hare. Remember that although he may be the more romantic figure of the two, he’s not the one that wins in the end. Stick with your current disciplined, structured approach and you can’t lose.