Daily Forecast Libra 01-24


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

If a friend or family member asks you to sacrifice some of your free time in the coming weeks, try to do what you can for them. They wouldn’t ask this of you unless they really needed your help, and chances are you will get a lot out of being there for them. You should take it as a compliment that they came to you first. In your work life, things are about to get busy, so you might want to tidy up your work area so that you can be ready for the onslaught.

Singles Lovescope

Practice active listening. There’s a lot more information being put out there than you might think. If you listen with your heart as well as your ears, you’ll be surprised by what you hear.

Couple Lovescope

Postpone a time-consuming project to spend some quality time with your partner. Work can wait when love beckons. Give in to temptation.


Don’t let a little dip in your assets make you reevaluate your entire approach to money. Your core values are solid enough to withstand a few dings here and there. The only action you should take is to reign in spending for now.



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