Daily Forecast Libra 02-08


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Don’t be afraid to ask for things to change in one of your relationships. You are well within your rights to want to make things more the way you want them to be. Today, you should talk about new things you’d like to see added to your relationship and which old things you’d like to do away with once and for all. The only rules in this thing between the two of you are the ones you two agree on. And none of them will change until you start that conversation.

Singles Lovescope

Feeling overwhelmed can leave you less excited about pursuing someone. If you’re lacking the energy for a social life, you may want to rethink your career. Life is too short to waste away behind a desk.

Couple Lovescope

It’s not like you to give up easily, but consider exactly that option right now. What have you got to gain by continuing to pursue this?


No matter how much philosophizing you do, you won’t be able to dig yourself out of your deep financial or intellectual hole. You’re better off keeping busy rather than stewing. What they say about idle hands goes for idle minds.



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