Daily Forecast Libra 02-22


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

For just one day, let go of your ambitions and stop pushing out at life. It’s time to let energy come your way. Take a passive attitude about this day and experience what it’s like for the world to come to you. People will be intrigued by your quiet mystery, and this could be an effective tool for attracting a new romantic partner (if that’s one of your goals right now). Just experience who and where you are today. If you have no expectations, there’s no way you can be disappointed.

Singles Lovescope

Sometimes it’s kind of like a fireworks show is going off in your heart. There are great big, glittering, chrysanthemum-shaped explosions and tricolored geranium ones. Plus tons of sparklers. The question is who set those off?

Couple Lovescope

A close collaboration with your partner yields some tremendous results. Even if things aren’t going the way you’d hoped right now, they’ll soon work out. The outcome could exceed your expectations.


Losing your keys is one thing, but losing money is completely out of the question. Someone is giving you the runaround. It may take a while for you to catch on, but once you’re revved up about the situation, there is just no stopping you. Go after what’s yours like a dog going after a bone.



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