Daily Forecast Libra 03-02


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You can’t force yourself to get along better with someone if they won’t cooperate. Either you two are compatible or you’re not. Instead of continuing to beat your head against the wall trying to charm them, accept the situation as it is and make the best of it. You don’t have to make everyone your friend. And try to understand that just because someone doesn’t light up when you speak doesn’t mean that they don’t respect you.

Singles Lovescope

Not only can you make new connections with the greatest of ease, but it’s like you’ve got ESP when it comes to seeing people for who they are. Engage that perception and explore interesting territory.

Couple Lovescope

Nobody’s perfect, and thank goodness for that. Life would be extremely boring if you or your partner always went strictly by the book. Fortunately, you two know when to bend the rules for the greater good.


The only way to achieve you goals is to have a clear vision of what they are. That’s hard to do with visions of the weekend dancing like sugar plums in your head. Give yourself ten minutes to rehash the best of the best, then buckle down.



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