Daily Forecast Libra 03-13


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You may look at old buildings, vintage cars, and retro furniture with new admiration today. They represent things that last and offer a classic sense of beauty. The idea of permanence is becoming more important than ever to you, so ponder this today. It could be a part of the aging process, but more likely it’s a part of your slow movement toward understanding the true meaning of value. Trends and whims hold little appeal to you right now.

Singles Lovescope

Does it get any better than this? You meet someone with whom you have everything in common. Enjoy the companionship, but be careful that you don’t get complacent in this relationship.

Couple Lovescope

You’re the motivating force behind the day’s activities, whether or not your sweetheart likes it. They’ll get their turn soon enough, but you’ve got it all planned out — so lead the way!


Everyone technically has the same agenda: A personal one. How that plays out varies, but when money is involved, make sure everyone agrees on the same bottom line before any of you get started.



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