Daily Forecast Libra 03-22


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

There are many emotions swirling around just beneath the surface today, and that goes for all the people you’re dealing with. It’s time to utilize a high degree of sensitivity with anyone you encounter. From the checker at the grocery store to your closest friend, everyone you talk to is capable of bursting into tears or laughter at the slightest provocation. Just be prepared for this level of uncertainty in your social interactions and you’ll do fine.

Singles Lovescope

Lavish a little extra attention on yourself and you’ll have a lot more to give to romance. Spend your splurge fund on a luxurious massage, for example, or shop for a new, confidence-boosting outfit.

Couple Lovescope

Both of you thought you wanted this, but now that you have it, well, it’s pretty fantastic, but it does bring a whole new set of issues that you have to deal with. Not to worry. You’re more than up to the task.


Some may advise you not to plan long-term stuff, but if it makes you feel productive, go ahead and plan. At the very least, you’ll have an emotional security blanket. That has value in and of itself.


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