Daily Forecast Libra 05-07


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Wrap up your heart and give it to someone today. You might need a dose of courage, or you might just need a kick in the pants. You’ve been inside your own head for a while now, and it’s enabled you to get back in touch with your emotions and what you need. But today it’s time to give more attention to the people and things that really matter in your life. Reach out and share some of what you’ve learned about yourself. The people around you are interested in watching you grow.

Singles Lovescope

You have many sides, so make sure they all get some attention today. If your most recent date involved food, suggest an outdoor activity for the next one. Try to be as well rounded as you can.

Couple Lovescope

You need to try something new in your relationship even if you have to drag your partner kicking and screaming. Be diplomatic but firm. Things can get a lot better if you work with new ideas.


You want to be early to bed, early to rise, just like when you were a kid. Unfortunately, you have too many adult responsibilities to deal with, at least for the early to bed part. Be thankful it’s not something less glamorous you have before you, like balancing your checkbook or paying the bills.



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