Libra Daily Forecast

Ever thought about learning a new language? You don’t have to master it right away. Even a few phrases or taking in a foreign flick might be enough for now. It’ll spark the desire for something more regarding travel, and a new connection could give you the perfect opportunity to practice it. With your stellar communication abilities, you’ll be chatting in whatever dialect you wish soon enough.
You have a wealth of good energy to spare today. You’re showering the people you like (and the people you’d like to like you) with treasure that would put a pirate’s stash to shame.
Take a look beneath the surface to get a better idea of what’s going on in your relationship. Let your loved one know you’re available to lend an ear if there’s something on their mind.
If money has thrown you out for someone new, just who is it? Don’t waste time feeling cuckolded. Face it, you and cash never really had that kind of relationship anyway.