Daily Forecast Libra 05-25


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You can easily keep from embarrassing yourself by watching what you say a little more carefully. It’s weird how many blowups can be averted with a just little forethought. If everything goes south anyway, try a three-second rule when it comes to communication. Count slowly to three before you say everything that’s zipping through that brain of yours toward your eager mouth. It’s not as hard as it seems.

Singles Lovescope

This day looks fun and bright for you, and the more you share, the more you receive. If there’s someone around with maybe a little too much advice or too many questions for you, try to take it in the intended spirit.

Couple Lovescope

Get creative in the ways you express your love to your sweetie. Making their favorite meal or finding a copy of their favorite out-of-print book will express how you feel without you saying a word.


You do almost anything to avoid conflict, but sometimes even the most mild-mannered of people get mired in discord. You’ll be ambushed today by something or someone who won’t take no for an answer. Look at it like a contest, and be in it to win.



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