Daily Forecast Libra 06-30


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

People who act as though they’re better than everyone else often don’t practice what they preach, but that will bring you little comfort today when you’re subjected to yet another holier-than-thou sermon from a powerful person. You really can’t get out of this, so try to nod along for as long as it takes. Let your mind wander as this person drones on, and then go back to living your life as you see fit. Busybodies don’t like to have their ideas challenged.

Singles Lovescope

Don’t be afraid to share your quirkiness with a romantic interest today. Believe it or not, they’ll find your hankering for 1960s sitcoms charming. They’ll even beg to watch them with you.

Couple Lovescope

Ever notice how much information you can discover from a casual conversation? Learn to hold your tongue and you’ll benefit, especially if you and your partner are suffering from a case of TMI.


You find a diamond in the rough today. Whether it’s a homeless person with incredible talent or a jump-start to a long-put off resolution, you gain from it without even trying. The only way to unearth it is to be of service to others.



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