Daily Forecast Libra 07-10


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Looking at the many sides of an issue is smart, but it can also be paralyzing. Every new point of view could serve as an excuse to do nothing. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to make up your mind (and please, make it sooner)! The confused phase you’re in right now indicates that action is better than inaction. Even if you make the wrong choice, at least you’ll gain some clues about where you should go next.

Singles Lovescope

When you talk to this person, keep it light. No need for bleeding-heart stories or gruesome details. This relationship’s about fun. Heavy conversation will turn this one off. Chat about celebrity gossip instead. A few giggles will do you good.

Couple Lovescope

Don’t mince words when given the chance to have your say. Be clear and succinct in your needs. The more your keep your true feelings a mystery, the more you’ll appear a fraud.


You might not have the same kind of extra money as you used to, but you can still spread it around in an informal way. If you didn’t get your fill of giving lately, do some today.



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