Daily Forecast Libra 09-08


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

A secret you’ve been guarding with practically your life is about to be revealed, if it hasn’t been already. The dogs are on to you and they’ve caught your scent. Just be sure your significant other isn’t caught off guard. You owe it to them to let them know what’s going on, especially after your recent shenanigans. It’s better if they hear it from you, so take the time today to explain your side of the story.

Singles Lovescope

Shiny, tuned-up conversation skills come in handy on the dating trail. Arm yourself with at least three things to talk about in case the conversation dries up. Reread the person’s online ad before you meet — you’ll find a goldmine of ideas there.

Couple Lovescope

There’s happily busy, where you’re fully occupied in a way that makes you feel nicely utilized and like you’re making a contribution to society and your relationship. And then there’s overwhelmed. Which are you?


Things are moving too slowly for your comfort, but you have no choice in the matter. Life would be much easier if renewal was right around the corner, but you already know it’s not. Hunker down for future financial emergencies.



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