Daily Forecast Libra 10-01


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

When you look in the mirror, do you see what others see? There is a lack of accuracy in your self-image. And the only way to attack this problem you have with yourself is to look outside yourself and consult others. Talk to the people who know you best. Ask them what they think about your recent actions and choices. They have some wisdom to share, and they can help you start getting a more accurate idea of who you are.

Singles Lovescope

Show your appreciation for the undying love and support of your friends and family with a virtual cocktail party, with one caveat. Ask them to include some single friends. It’s a great way to make new memories and reminisce about old times.

Couple Lovescope

Share your vision for your future with your loved one. You have big ideas, and you want them to be a part of shaping them into reality. Their input will make the ideas even better.


You feel a bit like a paleontologist today, because what you dig up is so old and fossilized as to be almost unrecognizable. It’s not of much use, even once you put the bones together. That makes it a good day to start on new plans instead of continuing with the old relics.



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