Daily Forecast Libra 10-17


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Oh, my. You’re a bit angry today, aren’t you? Or are you just frustrated with trying to get things done and not being able to come even close? Well, back away from any sharp objects, and try not to take this out on the ones you love. They’re probably quite frustrated, too — especially if they’ve been trying to get together with you and have run into some roadblocks of their own.

Singles Lovescope

You’ll make a mistake today or in the near future, but it’ll be completely charming. Just remember that as you run for cover. Someone who’s watching it unfold is enraptured. Don’t stay in hiding for too long. Your biggest fan wants to meet you.

Couple Lovescope

Work, work, work, then, when you’re done, it’s going to take a little work to get your mind off work. Do something completely different from your job with your certain someone.


Having colleagues is fine when there’s work to divvy up, but they’re suddenly a problem when what you’re slicing is the profits. That’s a sour way to look at the pie. Having it all to yourself should be only a fantasy.



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