Libra Daily Forecast
When you’re dealing with new people in any kind of situation today, you need to leave your ego out of it. There’s no reason to try to impress upon them how wonderful you are. They’ll be able to figure that out on their own soon enough. If your routine has changed recently, you shouldn’t feel threatened by new people who take over some of your responsibilities. They are here to help you, and you need to let them help. Be careful not to get too defensive.
Remember the virtues of starting small. A little friendly chitchat can be more revealing than a real date. You’ve got charm to spare, but the point is to figure out how you feel about this new person.
Your partner’s latest idea just won’t fly, and you can see that. It won’t be easy, but try to find a way to let them down without making them feel bad. You can do it if anyone can.
Did you say you were counting on change? Or did you say you were counting some change? Either way, you’d better be open to new ideas, because they are knocking on your door, ready or not.